Gauge/Gravity Duality 2013 (at MPP)
29.07.2013 – 02.08.2013
The conference was organized by the MPP inMunich. More information can be found on the conference webpage.
Videos of the talks
- Alho: Thermodynamics of holographic models for QCD in the Veneziano limit
- Ammon: Wilson Lines and Entanglement Entropy in Higher Spin Gravity
- Bajnok: Casimir effect and the quark-anti-quark potential
- Bertolini: (Super)Current Correlators and Holography
- Bhaseen: Applications of Gauge-Gravity Duality Far From Equlibrium
- Craps: Inhomogeneous Holographic Thermalization
- Cremonini: Probing the IR of geometries with hyperscaling violation
- Das: Quantum Quench and Holographic Phase Transitions
- Davison: Momentum relaxation in holographic massive gravity
- Djuric: Vector Meson Production at Low x from Gauge/Gravity Duality
- Dong: Holographic Entanglement beyond Classical Gravity
- Eling: Conformal anomalies in hydrodynamics
- Evans: Probing Out of Equilibrium Dynamics
- Fiol: Radiation in Conformal Field Theories
- Fredenhagen: Aspects of the higher-spin AdS3/CFT2 correspondence
- Gauntlett: Spatially modulated phases in holography
- Gouteraux: Properties of holographic cohesive phases
- Gromov: Quantum Algebraic Curve for N=4 SYM
- Hartmann: Holographic superconductors and superfluids away from the probe limit
- Hartnoll: Strongly coupled metals and insulators
- Heller: Holographic hydrodynamization
- Hubeny: Causal wedges in AdS/CFT
- Järvinen: Holographic models for QCD in the Veneziano limit
- Jensen: The holographic dual of an EPR pair (has a wormhole!)
- Jottar: Thermal and entanglement entropies in three-dimensional higher spin theories
- Karch: Entanglement Entropy for Probe Branes
- Kazakov: Spectrum of planar N=4 SYM as a Riemann-Hilbert problem
- Kiritsis: The Chern-Simons Diffusion Rate in Holographic QCD
- Kirsch: Coset approach to the Luttinger liquid
- Mateos: Far-from-equilibrium Holography and Heavy Ion Collisions (video without slides; for slides see here)
- McGreevy: Holographic obstructions to symmetry-preserving regulators
- Meyer: A Holographic Model for the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
- O'Bannon: A Holographic Model of the Kondo Effect
- Obers: Elasticity and hydrodynamics of charged black branes
- Pujolas: Emergent Lorentz Invariance from Strong Dynamics
- Rangamani: Effective actions and hydrodynamic transport
- Schalm: Holographic BCS
- Semenoff: Giant D5 brane holographic quantum Hall states
- Sin: Non-spherical collapse in AdS and Early Thermalization in RHIC
- Surowka: Building a holographic liquid crystal
- Takayanagi: Holographic Entanglement Entropy of Excited States
- Taliotis: Extra dimensions, black holes and fireballs at the LHC
- Tian: Holographic entropy production
- Tong: Holographic Conductivities in Massive Gravity
- Vuorinen: Holographic thermalization at intermediate coupling
- Wu: Fluid/Gravity Correspondence For General Non-rotating Black Holes
- Yarom: Hydrodynamics and anomalies (video without slides; for slides see here)
- Young: Scattering Amplitudes of Massive N=2 Gauge Theories in Three Dimensions
- Zaanen: Conference summary