New Perspectives on supersymmetric gauge theories
27.02.2012 – 02.03.2012
The idea of the workshop is to discuss recent developments in 2d-4d correspondences such as AGT and its cousins, extended topological field theories, BPS states and knot invariants. While there has been a lot of progress in understanding these topics, much of their potential remains to be exploited and their interrelations to be uncovered. The workshop aims to provide a forum to stimulate further progress.
More information can be found on the workshop webpage.
Videos of the talks
- Alexander Belavin: Instantons and 2d Coset CFT
- Clay Cordova: 4d Wall-Crossing and 3d Mirror symmetry
- Kevin Costello: N=1 gauge theory and the quantum loop group
- Nadav Drukker: Generalized quark-antiquark potential and the TBTBA
- Tudor Dimofte: 3-Manifolds and Duality Domain Walls
- Jacques Distler: Tinkertoys
- Can Kozcaz: Mirror of the refined topological vertex
- Leszek Hadasz: On the consistency of the N=1 supersymmetric Liouville field theory
- Babak Haghighat: M5 branes, 4d/2d correspondence and five-dimensional gauge theory
- Mans Henningson: Topological field theory on open manifolds
- Lotte Hollands: A 4d-2d correspondence for Sicilian quivers
- Albrecht Klemm: The Omega deformation of rigid N=2 theories
- Alexei Litvinov: AGT relation and bases of states in 2D CFT
- Alexei Morozov: From AGT to knots
- Daniel Murfet: Computing Khovanov-Rozansky homology
- Domenico Orlando: Quantum Integrability in Gauge Theory from String and M-Theory
- Sara Pasquetti: Factorization of N=2 theories partition functions on the squashed 3-sphere
- Vasily Pestun: Instanton calculus in quiver gauge theories
- Piotr Sulkowski: A-polynomial and quantization
- Jörg Teschner: Irregular singularities in Liouville theory and Argyres-Douglas type gauge theories
- Niclas Wyllard: Old and new AGT-type relations
- Masahito Yamazaki: Quivers, YBE and 3-manifolds