3rd O'Raifeartaigh conference
19.07.2012 – 21.07.2012
In recent years important insight has been gained at the interface of field theory, integrability, conformal symmetry and supersymmetry, remarkably consistent with various interests of Lochlainn O'Raifeartaigh who passed away just over a decade ago. This conference, in his honor aims at bringing people in these fields together.
Visit the conference webpage for further information.
Speakers include:
- J. Balog (Budapest)
- Z. Bajnok (Budapest)
- D. O'Connell (Niels Bohr Inst.)
- D. Harlow (Stanford)
- O. Hohm (LMU)
- A. Iorio (Charles Univ.)
- R. Jackiw (MIT)
- D. Jafferis (Harvard)
- C. Klimcik (Luminy)
- R. Loganayagam* (Harvard)
- K. Maruyoshi (SISSA)
- W. Nahm (DIAS)
- S. El-Showk (Saclay)
- M. Vasiliev (Lebedev Inst.)
* to be confirmed
Advisory committee:
- A. Balachandran (Syracuse)
- D. O'Connor (Dublin)
- L. Feher (Budapest)
- P. Horvathy (Tours)
- G. Jorjadze (Tiblisi)
- S-Y. Pi (Boston)
- P. Ruelle (Louvain)
- S. Sen (Dublin)
- S. Shatashvili (Dublin)
- I. Tsutsui (Tsukuba)
- A. Wipf (Jena)
- Ivo Sachs
- Olaf Hohm
- Korbinian Muenster