Arnold Sommerfeld Center

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(28.01.) A complete mass spectrum of type-IIB flux vacua

Mikel A. Urkiola (University of the Basque Country)

28.01.2021 at 16:15 

In this talk I will outline the results of our recent works (arxiv:2007.10381 and 2011.13953). I will give an overview of the moduli stabilization problem in type-IIB flux compactifications in string theory, and how this issue can be treated analytically through the use of symmetries of the moduli space. Applying these methods to no-scale vacua in the Large Complex Structure (LCS) region, we will be able to obtain a closed and analytical expression for the scalar spectrum of the theory at tree-level for the complex structure and dilaton sector. Finally, we will see how these results apply for a concrete example (the octic), by a direct numerical search for vacua in that model.

Arnold Sommerfeld Center
Theresienstrasse 37
Room 348
via ZOOM