Arnold Sommerfeld Center

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(03.12.) Multiple scaling limits of O(D)-invariant multi-matrix models (NOTE SPECIAL TIME)

Sylvain Carozza (Perimeter)

03.12.2020 at 13:15 

I will introduce a class of multi-matrix models which, in a suitable double-scaling limit, give rise to a simple genus expansion. The planar sector is melonic, and can therefore support solvable strongly-coupled phases such as found in the SYK model or tensor QFTs. Likewise, higher-genus corrections can be systematically constructed and decomposed in terms of melon and ladder diagrams. I will illustrate this structure in 0 dimensions, with an eye towards random geometry. In this context, the expansion further simplifies in a certain triple-scaling regime, and gives rise to a branched-polymer continuum limit. Perhaps surprisingly, I will then show that the same procedure applied to the 2PI generating function leads to a completely different universality class: that of Liouville quantum gravity. This last observation may have implications for the tensor model / GFT approach to random geometry in higher dimensions.

Arnold Sommerfeld Center
Theresienstrasse 37
Room 348

via ZOOM