Arnold Sommerfeld Center

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(22.12.) Spontaneously broken supergravity, constrained superfields and branes

Dmitri Sorokin (Padova)

22.12.2016 at 16:15 

We will review a recent revival of interest to the study of spontaneous breaking of local supersymmetry and the super-Higgs effect in four-dimensional supergravity, related to the possibility of building relevant cosmological models with de Sitter vacua in the framework of supergravity and string theory. We will compare two realizations of this effect, one which uses constrained (nilpotent) superfields and another one involving a space-filling 3-brane (goldstino brane). The latter can be regarded as a dimensionally reduced relic of anti-D-branes causing supersymmetry breaking and generating de Sitter vacua in corresponding stringy scenarios.

Arnold Sommerfeld Center
Theresienstrasse 37
Room 348