Arnold Sommerfeld Center

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(02.06.) The mysterious (asymptotic) tadpole

Alvaro Herraez (IPhT, Saclay)

02.06.2022 at 16:15 

One of the biggest problems in string compactifications is the large number of massless fields associated to deformations of the internal geometry. These "moduli" get masses from fluxes wrapping non-trivial cycles on the manifold. Fluxes have an associated charge, which on a compact manifold has to satisfy tadpole cancelation conditions. The tadpole conjecture proposes that the charge induced by the fluxes needed to stabilise a large number of moduli grows linearly with the number of moduli. In this talk I will explain the conjecture, present its motivation, supporting evidence and consequences.

Arnold Sommerfeld Center
Theresienstrasse 37
Room 348