Arnold Sommerfeld Center

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(06.07.) Iterated elliptic integrals: a canonical language for elliptic Feynman integrals

Johannes Brödel (Berlin)

06.07.2017 at 16:15 

While many Feynman integrals appearing in QCD can be evaluated using mulitple polylogarithms, there is a growing class of interesting integrals which do not fall into this class. After a short review, I will discuss the next interesting class: elliptic integrals. If evaluated, those yield elliptic multiple zeta values, a generalization of multiple zeta values. I will show that the canonical language - iterated integrals of modular forms - for investigating these elliptic integrals is provided by one-loop open string theory: here those integrals appear in the most pure setting.

Arnold Sommerfeld Center
Theresienstrasse 37
Room 348